
Today we are going to talk about a film that gives us a very interesting premise that came out just over 2 decades ago. Of course, I'm talking about American Psycho, surely they owed this character in some videos over there. And is that Christian Bale did great, so don't sit down bringing you something to eat, relax and enjoy because today we are going to go deep into the history of the American psychopath we are going to start meeting our protagonist, Patrick bateman. ¿Who is at a lunch with his colleagues? Timothy and Craig, while waiting to be attended, they notice that their partner, Paul Allen, is present here Craig mentions that Paul does nothing but talk on the phone at work and that he is lucky, because he got it on the Fisher account, they are all Yupis, young executives with a high standard of living. Patrick Bateman is vice president of his father's firm, Pers Sands Pers. Later, the entire group attends a nightclub where they use the power of money to bribe the guards and enter without lining up once down there, the effect of music makes them take the forbidden steps. With local women Meanwhile, the almighty Patrick Bateman goes in search of more alcohol and when he sees the bartender he cannot help but praise the one saying that he would like to stab her for being a sorceress. All as some method of conquest that only he knows, although we see that at the moment it does not work because it is actually a true Sigma. The next day, Patrick wakes up at his house, where we see what his day to day is like in the morning, the first thing he does is put on an ice mask while doing his morning exercise, then when bathing, Patrick does not abandon the care of his skin, Well, we see that it uses all kinds of gels and soaps. For each part of your body when you leave, continue to protect your face with rejuvenating masks and other creams, because in reality it is someone very banal when ready, finally he attends his work with his characteristic headphones. Here we meet his secretary Jin, who informs him that 1 of his clients canceled his appointment and that another wants to have a drink with him. After rejecting the invitation, Patrick orders him to make a reservation for himself and his friends for lunch and another for him and a companion in a place called space. However, when she asks if it must be romantic, Patrick tells her to forget it. And that he himself will make the reservation before he leaves, he advises him to stop wearing suits and put on a dress with high shoes as he likes, because it is a true Sigma. That night we see that he and his date Evelyn Williams are heading to dinner. Here we can see that Patrick is a true Sigma, yes, he is more concerned with listening to his music than listening to what his supposed girlfriend has to say, but if you pay attention to her when she says they should get married, Patrick made it clear that he doesn't want to quit his job no matter how much he can, since he has his life resolved and his father is the owner of the company, but he prefers to work like this, they arrive. To the restaurant, where Patrick immediately asks for a good table, but you're lucky and meets his friend Price, who because of his behavior with Evelyn believes that they have an affair but does not care, because Patrick has a parallel relationship with Courtney, a woman who according to him is found daily under the influence of some drug. But the horns don't end there, as she is formally engaged to Luis, whom Patrick considers a real jerk. In the midst of the conversation, our protagonist mentions that the most important thing is that they promote the return of moral values and a social conscience in the world. Especially in countries where human rights are being violated. These words make those present uncomfortable and moved, especially Luis. Later, after stocking up on cash, Patrick uses his charms to get the attention of a woman who walked around, convincing her to follow him. But for now we don't know more. The next day he argues with the Chinese owners of a dry cleaner because they tell him that it is almost impossible to whiten the sheets that he brought with a large red Spot and how he needs them, for later he begins to call the old witch and threaten the owner with killing her. If you don't shut up. An acquaintance of his called victory came to the place. Patrick takes advantage of the fact that she knows the owners to leave them the sheets and that they take care of it, because she is in a hurry later, while enjoying an adult movie, and then he starts talking to Courtney to ask her to see each other at night. She says to be busy, but she changes her mind when Patrick reveals that he took her to the Driocia restaurant, an ultra-luxury restaurant to which he and his friends always aspire to go to the best tables. Patrick immediately calls to make a reservation at this restaurant at the last minute, but he only gets teasin


Today we are going to talk about a film that gives us a very interesting premise that came out just over 2 decades ago. Of course, I'm talking about American Psycho, surely they owed this character in some videos over there. And is that Christian Bale did great, so don't sit down bringing you something to eat, relax and enjoy because today we are going to go deep into the history of the American psychopath we are going to start meeting our protagonist, Patrick bateman. Who is at lunch with his colleagues? Timothy and Craig, while waiting to be attended, notice that their partner, Paul Allen, is present here. Craig mentions that Paul does nothing but talk on the phone at work and that he is lucky because he got it on the Fisher account. they are all Yupis, young executives with a high standard of living. Patrick Bateman is vice president of his father's firm, Pers Sands Pers. Later, the entire group attends a nightclub where they use the power of money to bribe the guards and enter without lining up once down there, the effect of music makes them take the forbidden steps. Meanwhile, the almighty Patrick Bateman goes in search of more alcohol and when he sees the bartender he cannot help but praise the one saying that he would like to stab her for being a sorceress. All as some method of conquest that only he knows, although we see that at the moment it does not work because it is actually a true Sigma.The next day, Patrick wakes up at his house, where we see what his day to day is like in the morning, the first thing he does is put on an ice mask while doing his morning exercise, then when bathing, Patrick does not abandon The care of his skin, Well, we see that he uses all kinds of gels and soaps. For each part of your body when you leave, continue to protect your face with rejuvenating masks and other creams, because in reality it is someone very banal when ready, finally he attends his work with his characteristic headphones. Here we meet his secretary Jin, who informs him that 1 of his clients canceled his appointment and that another wants to have a drink with him. After rejecting the invitation, Patrick orders him to make a reservation for himself and his friends for lunch and another for him and a companion in a place called space. However, when she asks if it must be romantic, Patrick tells her to forget it. And that he himself will make the reservation before he leaves, he advises him to stop wearing suits and put on a dress with high shoes as he likes, because it is a true Sigma. That night we see that he and his date Evelyn Williams are heading to dinner.Here we can see that Patrick is a true Sigma, yes, he is more concerned with listening to his music than listening to what his supposed girlfriend has to say, but if you pay attention to her when she says they should get married, Patrick made It is clear that he doesn't want to quit his job no matter how much he can, since he has resolved his life and his father is the owner of the company, but he prefers to work like this, they arrive. To the restaurant, where Patrick immediately asks for a good table, but you're lucky and meets his friend Price, who because of his behavior with Evelyn believes they have an affair but doesn't care, because Patrick has a parallel relationship with Courtney , a woman who according to him is found daily under the influence of some drug. But the horns don't end there, as she is formally engaged to Luis, whom Patrick considers a real jerk. In the midst of the conversation, our protagonist mentions that the most important thing is that they promote the return of moral values ​​and a social conscience in the world. Especially in countries where human rights are being violated. These words make those present uncomfortable and moved, especially Luis. Later, after stocking up on cash, Patrick uses his charms to get the attention of a woman who walks around, convincing her to follow him. But for now we don't know more.The next day he argues with the Chinese owners of a dry cleaner because they tell him that it is almost impossible to whiten the sheets that he brought with a large red Spot and how he needs them, for later he begins to call the old witch and threatened the owner with killing her. If you don't shut up. An acquaintance of his called victory came to the place. Patrick takes advantage of the fact that she knows the owners to leave them the sheets and that they take care of it, because she is in a hurry later, while enjoying an adult movie, and then he starts talking to Courtney to ask her to see each other at night. She says to be busy, but she changes her mind when Patrick reveals that he took her to the Driocia restaurant, an ultra-luxury restaurant to which he and his friends always aspire to go to the best tables. Patrick immediately calls to make a reservation at this restaurant at the last minute, but he only gets teasin

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